Latest Projects done by RCCS

Tesseract ’25

22 Feb 2025

A transformative series of workshops and seminars designed to enhance ICT prowess among Sri Lankan...

Axis ’24

20 Feb 2025

Sri Lanka's first ever national level ICT Convention organized by a school, the premier flagship event by the Royal College Computer Society...

Web Development Course’22

11 March 2024

With the rapid growth of the technology field, there is a need for product designers and software developers. As Royal College is one of the leading technology clubs in Sri Lanka, it is our duty to bridge that gap. As the use of the internet gets more prominent, we see more and more websites and online programs appear every day. Due to this, in the ICT field, Web Development has become an area in which many job opportunities have opened while also becoming an enjoyable pastime for some.

Graphic Designing Course

11 March 2024

With the rapid growth of the technology field, there is a need for graphic designers and software developers. As the Royal College Computer Society is one of the leading school technology clubs in Sri Lanka, it is our duty to bridge that gap. We hope that with this course, the Royalists who participated learnt about graphic designing and improved their skills.

Robotics Sessions

11 March 2024

With the rapid improvements in technology, Robotics improves as well. The Royal College Computer Society, as one of the leading School level technological clubs in Sri Lanka, we must share and teach about the recent technological updates in the Robotics industry. This session series taught the students how to use technology for their benefit and how to make a worthwhile product for the country.

Digital Notice Board

11 March 2024

RCCS’s new Digital Notice Board System helps provide fresh and new notices through a more modernized medium, which not only attracts students but, is more productive in the sense of reducing long time cost and helping the environment, alongside being time efficient considering the ability to update these DNBs around the school in an instant, by using a central console.


11 March 2024

With the rapid growth of the technological field and the increased demand for developers, designers, and content creators the field's competitive nature has rapidly increased, due to this it's necessary to be distinct and be a cutout from the crowd. Project 'ShowCase' is our attempt to help students achieve that goal.

BTUI Sessions’22

11 March 2024

It is challenging for a student to get knowledge of the vast developing technology alone. It's harder to select the right technologies and correct software than to build the solution.

O/L Seminar’22

11 March 2024

The seminar taught complicated but necessary topics in the OL syllabus as well as shared some tricks to answer the exam paper also covering general topics in the OL ICT syllabus.

Programming Course

11 March 2024

In this project, the basic concepts of programming and introduction to verified programming resources were introduced by lecturers at Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology (SLIIT)

GearUP! 2022 Inter School eSports Championship

11 March 2024

The eSports industry is rapidly growing with a current assessed value of $1.38 Billion. To keep up with and promote this trend, The Royal College Computer Society organized an Inter-School eSports Tournament. Through this event. “Gear Up! 2022” was an Islandwide interschool esports tournament which was held under two game titles, Valorant and Call of Duty Mobile.

Royal College Sports App

11 March 2024

“Royal College Sports App” is a Mobile Application Developed by the Royal College Computer Society Development team to provide live coverage of the sporting events in college.


11 March 2024

As a leading technological club in school, we thought of digitalizing school past papers so the students can access them, test their knowledge and prepare for exams.

Renovating IoT Lab

11 March 2024

We hope that with the conclusion of this project, all students at the College will have a renewed interest in the field of IoT and that this project will help provide a better suitable learning environment for the students.


11 March 2024

Over the past 10 years alone, the evolution of technology has increased so dramatically that it has left a huge gap in the programming career market as we haven't been able to educate enough people in programming quickly enough for the demand.